Monday, August 07, 2006

The Foundation

As a preface to all the essays to follow, I think it important to emphasize that this literature is meant to highlight and examine all the intricacies and idiosynracies of Democracy and thereby reveal what must change with our society and our culture to achieve change for the better.

I write these things with the fundamental understanding that Democracy is "the only scheme worth working from." I accept that personal responsibilty is the cornerstone of any democracy and without such currents running on a broad, encompassing scale, amidst all people, democracy will fail. People, as a whole, must be accountable to themselves, unto themselves, first and foremost. And then, Democracy can flourish. In recent decades, we have seen the slope of responsibility slide into a dangerous area where the People desire for Government to first supplant man's own responsibility to fend, overcome, and persevere.

Dangerous stuff indeed.

Essays on America endorses the People's right to fail on their own terms, the accepted counter of that being to succeed on their own terms and succeed wildly.This nation is opportunity personified and rightly we must consider what the opposite of opportunity might be, and how thankful we are to not exist in such a place where the latter must be considered.

As I continue to publish my thoughts, feel free to leave your thoughts as well. Please understand if your desire is to vomit a stream of anti-American drivel or mantra from The Lost perspective, do not waste my time with it. You will not change my mind.

This is a venue for thing's considered over a lifetime on my part.

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